It’s All About Gait

As a consultant I often wear the hat of a coach or cheerleader. I am an advocate for the things I believe will actually help get you to the next level. One of the things that I am broken-record about is gait. The consistency with which we do the things that will lead...

Saying No

It becomes increasingly difficult to say no to things that are off vision if you don’t know both where you are going and how you plan to get there. In this instant gratification culture we are forgetting the underpinnings of what got us here.  Vision: a clear...

Leadership in Troubled Times

I only have one thought on this today. Not original, but certainly where I am living right now: Double down on vision/mission. Adversity does bring opportunity, but chasing something off mission/vision will ruin those potential opportunities by distracting you from...

4 Reasons Your Revenue is Suffering

I believe these principles apply to a small business owner, an organizational leader, or even an employee. Just read this through your personal lens. Inconsistent, little or no business development. In every category above there is a risk of resting on our laurels. As...