Life Design

I am reading a book on business design currently. I will post a link to it soon. I have heard the concepts in this book espoused in different ways. One of the old ways was simply the maturity cycle of a business represented in the graph below. When looking at a single...

How To Inspire Those You Lead

This may sound oversimplified, but the way to inspire your team, your company, your family is to give them something to follow. I heard Bill Hybels of WillowCreek say years ago (I don't know if it was his line) "speed of the leader, speed of the team"....

Bringing Clarity to Your Passion

One of the things that I enjoy doing, both for myself, and others, is bringing clarity to passion. For me, learning how to do that has taken years of learning in different settings and situations. One of the biggest challenges in the process is distilling...

How’s Your Year Shaping Up?

Maybe you have made plans, maybe you haven't, but whether you have or not, the days are passing by.One of the things that can help you assess things is a picture. A graph, a shape or something that represents what you were trying to accomplish against what you...

Lead Yourself

It has been noted many places, by many more notable than I, that a core characteristic of leaders is their ability to make quick decisions. The thing that makes them a leader is that they are far more often right than wrong. Those who are fighting change, or simply...

Point – Counterfact

As I continue to grow and learn on the subject of how to be happier (one of my goals for this year) I thought I would pass on a practical highlight again from the book I am working through by Shawn Anchor (The Happiness Advantage). A counterfact is an imaginary...

Snow Day Reflection

So it is February…how did January go? Did you start working out? Are you still working out? Did you ship anything? Did you start your way to your goals for this year? If you haven't done anything or much, do not give in to discouragement. Today is the day...

Realizing Your Dreams

IdeaPraxy is really about accomplishing your dreams, realizing your ideas. Although a consultant can often be known as someone who comes in and identifies problems and then suggests solutions, we look at things a little differently. First, what is your idea, your...

Why Do We Say “Can’t”?

This thought is not new or original, but let this post act as an encouragement and a reminder. The concept of "can't" in our vernacular should be all but forgotten, because we can! In almost every environment I enter where there is discord over quality,...

Simply Leading

What is it about a nature scene that makes you take a deep breath and relax. That makes life and the moment seem simpler than the second before. The creative force behind this scene is far from simple, in fact the complexity of the tides, waves, make-up of the sand,...