It has been noted many places, by many more notable than I, that a core characteristic of leaders is their ability to make quick decisions. The thing that makes them a leader is that they are far more often right than wrong. Those who are fighting change, or simply can’t keep up will often criticize those who possess this skill. They may try to accuse the leader as making snap judgments, as seeming to be a know it all, even arrogant, but what can’t be refuted in the end is the results that flow from the decisions that were made.
Process flow charts stop at the diamond that represents a decision. They start again once the decision has been reached. Everyday our decisions move us forward or stop us in our tracks.
If you feel like you are stuck, if you feel like you are being held back, then lead yourself. Make the decisions that will move you forward. I am not suggesting you do that vacuous of data, but I am suggesting you find a way to stop making excuses and find a way to make a decision.