One of the things that I enjoy doing, both for myself, and others, is bringing clarity to passion. For me, learning how to do that has taken years of learning in different settings and situations. One of the biggest challenges in the process is distilling vision-compatible ideas from on-vision ideas. Why?
If I want to be a songwriter, one would think that anything that contributes to that should be done. So I write a song, then another. I attend songwriting conferences. I co-write songs. I teach seminars on songwriting at the local music store…etc. Of course in the process I never publish a song. Somewhere we think that doing closely related activity should help us achieve our goals. Maybe we will meet someone who likes a song and wants to use it, publish it, fund our CD, but it rarely happens. No, I have to write the song, produce the song, publish the song, market the song, sell the song, either to the public or other artists, and I have to keep doing that until I win. Some people are very fortunate and arrive at a place where all of the things that happen after they use their skill, all of the business "stuff", is handled by someone else (for a fee of course). For the rest of us, we have to realize, that the way to fulfill our dreams and passions is to both practice our passion, and do all of the business things that allow us to share and benefit from sharing our passion with the world.