Making Your World Better..{an hour at a time}

Many of us are trying to make the world a better place, and we accomplish it in different ways. At the highest level, IdeaPraxy is about making the world a better place, by making your world a better place.The beauty of our world is the different ways we can all...

Your Best Laid Plans

I could have also called this lemons to lemonade. The hardest part of accomplishing something is accomplishing it. Huh? Traveling down a path to your goals can often be defined by a set of steps, planned and executed, that lead to the finish line. My experience is...

Why Grassroots is so Powerful and Exciting

Grassroots implies a birth of something. An opportunity to do it right, to change something for the better, to create something amazing. Moreover, it implies freedom, flexibility, passion, and that's the allure. It is small, and with strong leadership it is...

Life Design

I am reading a book on business design currently. I will post a link to it soon. I have heard the concepts in this book espoused in different ways. One of the old ways was simply the maturity cycle of a business represented in the graph below. When looking at a single...

How To Inspire Those You Lead

This may sound oversimplified, but the way to inspire your team, your company, your family is to give them something to follow. I heard Bill Hybels of WillowCreek say years ago (I don't know if it was his line) "speed of the leader, speed of the team"....