It’s About Them….

The older I get the more I realize how completely self-absorbed I am. It’s terrible. I say I am self-actualized, but often that is just a fancy hyphenated word defining the phrase “really accomplished navel gazer”. At some level starting ideaPraxy a...

To Grow – Simplify

Sometimes the gap between where you are and where you want to be is large. It is comprised of several things: energy, knowledge, and perspective. But you have the most important ingredient – desire. So how do you begin to bridge this gap? Sleep, learn, reflect...

It’s Not Rocket Science

One of the stories I tell over and over to anyone who will listen is one from my own journey, from my days as a financial planner. I was young and awed by the barely older and widely successful financial planners speaking at the conferences I was going to. Then one...

The Fallacy of Massive Revenue Growth in Charities

A common theme I am seeing today in boards and charity executives is an insatiable desire to grow exponentially. With brave statements like, “If you are not growing you are dying!” Chairmen push CEOs to create budgets that represent 20 and 30% (or more)...

Yes But…Did You Do It?

One of the big dangers in leadership is being a fat-head. Literally being smart, well read, and even able to explain great leadership concepts to everyone else, but not ever get them out of your head and in to practice. Concepts that we have all learned from the likes...

Fundraising Sustainability

A definition of sustainability from Merriam-Webster online is: able to be used without being completely used up or destroyed. The ultimate in sustainable income is a royalty or fee based income stream that “renews” monthly or regularly for a service or...